Вірші про сім’ю на англійській мові

Вірші про сім’ю англійською мовою – для дітей і дорослих зібрані в цій статті. Вірші про батьків, про маму і тата допоможуть вивчити дітям нові англійські слова.

Вірші на англійській про сім’ю та родину

I have a father.
I have a mother.
I have a sister.
I have a brother.
Father, Mother, Sister, Brother –
Hand in hand with one another.

How are you?
How is your mother?
She is fine, thanks.
How is your father?
He is fine, thanks.
How is your sister?
She is fine, thanks.
How is your brother?
He is fine, thanks.

Here is my father,
Here is my mother,
Here is my sister,
Here is my brother.
Father, mother,
Sister, brother –
We like to be together.

Вірші англійською про маму

Love for Mother
I love my dear mummy.
I love her very much.
And do you love your mummy?
Of cource, and very much.

Dear Mommy
Dear Mommy! Dear Mommy!
I love you!
Dear Mommy! Dear Mommy!
Do you love me, too?

Mother is busy
From morning till night
To keep her family
Happy and bright

Вірші про сім’ю та родину на англійській мові

This Is My Family
This is the Father, kind and true.
This is the mother who cares for you.
This is the brother so big and tall.
This is the sister who plays with her ball.

A Good Rule
My sisters and brothers
All go to school.
We help one another.
It is a good rule.

We help our mother,
When she washes or cooks.
Together with Father
We like to read books.

My Mother’s Face
I know a face, a lovely face
As full of beauty as of grace,
A face of pleasure and of smile.
In darkness it gives me much light.
A face that is itself like joy,
To see it I’m a happy boy.
And I have a joy that has no other:
This lovely woman is my mother.

Вірші на англійській про маму і тата

Mother and Father
Mother is the dearest of all friends I know.
She helps me with a lot of things,
That’s why I love her so.

Father is the kindest of all friends I know.
He likes to take me out with him,
That’s why I love him so.

We are a Family
We laugh and cry,
We work and play,
We help each other
Every day.
The world’s a lovely
Place to be
Because we are
A family.

Пальчикова гра:

This is a family – розправляємо руку
Let’s count them and see,
How many there are,
And who they can be – рахуємо пальці 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

This is the mother – показуємо на вказівний палець
Who loves everyone
And this is the father – показуємо на середній палець
Who is lots of fun.

This is my sister – показуємо на безіменний палець
She helps and she plays,
And this is the baby – показуємо на мізинець
He’s growing each day.

But who is this one? – Показуємо на великий палець
He’s out there alone,
Why it’s Jackie, the dog,
And he’s chewing a bone. – Поворухнути великим пальцем.

Mum – британський варіант, Mom використовується в Америці (і країнах з американським варіантом мови)

Вірші про сім’ю на англійській мові - Література